Overcoming Fears That Block Intuition

Facing the Fear of the Unknown

As intuitive beings, we often fear the unknown - what exactly will we see or experience when we open ourselves up to our intuition? This is a very common and understandable fear. We are comfortable with the familiar, the patterns, the known. The unknown can be downright scary, like jumping into a dark room or walking through a haunted house. We worry about what might pop out at us or what information we might uncover that we don't want to know.

I get it, I've been there. When I first started developing my intuition at the age of 32, I was a hardcore skeptic. The unknown terrified me. But I've learned that this fear can be overcome with a simple practice. The next time you sit down to tap into your intuition, I want you to first acknowledge the fear. Say to it, "I see you fear, I know you're there." Then, visualize placing that fear into an imaginary box or container off to the side. Tell the fear, "You can sit there for a little while, but I'm going...

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Deciding to Be Human

Deciding to Be Human

There is a balance between deciding to be human and deciding to be spiritual. So much emphasis is put on following a spiritual path that sometimes a person can go overboard. I’m not talking about those over dramatic, hamming it up, spiritualists that put on a good show. I’m talking about going so deeply into the spiritual realms that we lose our connection to the human world.

Day after day of spiritual connection, ignoring your human side, can lead to detachment. While this is a goal of some, it comes at a price. I hear people speak of detachment and all the benefits of it, and I agree. However, there is a line that can be crossed where we lose the want and desire for human connection, emotion and adventure.

My Dog Was Dying

When my dog was dying I had a choice. I could tap into my intuition, check to see what was going to happen to her and then settle in to the comfort that if she dies it was meant to be. “Everything happens for a...

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Intuition is Accessible to Everyone

Intuition is Accessible to Everyone

Intuition is accessible to everyone. It isn’t something we gain. Intuition is accessible to everyone. It is within you right now buried beneath clutter and baggage and is sitting silently, waiting for the freedom it desires. The intuitive classes I took did nothing for me. Let me explain.

I opened up in my early thirties. Before that, I was a complete skeptic. Long story short, one experience rocked my world so strongly, there was no turning back. Today I work as a professional medium and spiritual teacher. When I first opened, I searched for intuitive classes to help me become more intuitive. The mentality of these classes was that intuition was like a muscle, the more you use it the the more you gain. This compiled with phrases such as “gaining intuition” and “wanting intuition” lead people to think it is something we acquire, something outside of ourselves. And this perspective is limiting.

Post "Open"


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Stress is Solvable in the Moment, Not in the Future

Stress is Solvable in the Moment, Not in the Future

Above all please know that stress is solvable. At some point in your life you will feel overwhelmed, lost, and perhaps you will feel confused. When this happens, I tell people to start looking for solutions, to problem solve. And while this is helpful most of the time, occasionally it is best to not look for solutions. Sometimes it’s best to look for emptiness.

What Does it Mean to Be Overwhelmed?

Think of what being overwhelmed really is. It’s your mind focusing on all aspects of your life - past, present and future, all at the same time. Overwhelmed is a state of being, not a reality. It is a mental experience, but not a real experience. Thus, before you start overwhelming yourself with even more thoughts on how to fix the situation, perhaps it is best to step out of the situation. Breathe and notice that the world, and yourself, are perfect in this exact moment.

An amazing friend once introduced me to the idea that...

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Intuitive Timing is Everything

Intuitive Timing is Everything

When I say that timing is everything does it make you think of that moment when you notices a clock a 11:11? If so, you’re not alone. To some people, it’s a spiritual number and to others it’s just a coincidence. Chances are you will see 11:11 a few times a week and some will misinterpret it as a sign. The thing is, 11:11 is a time that people notice, so it’s not at all strange that people will remember it. You probably don’t notice 11:07 or 3:45. Well, they’re not repeating numbers, so they’re not as memorable. However, we do see those times and many others during the day that we may not remember.

A Spirit Trying to Get Your Attention

That is not the end of the story. There are times when spirit will try and get your attention, time is one of them. For five nights in a row I was woken up at 4:44 a.m, that was a sign! I checked in with my guides and was told what I was doing wrong that particular...

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Intuition and Visual Cues

Intuition and Visual Cues

When reading for a client in person, it can be difficult to ignore the visual cues, body language, and facial expressions. I find that I’m often looking away from the client so that I’m not getting any interference with the information coming in. Before my client thinks I’m rude, I usually explain that in order to concentrate. It’s easier for me to look at the floor or some point beyond them, say a wall. I was raised to look someone in the eye and found it difficult, almost rude, to look somewhere else while I was speaking to them. Certainly I didn’t want to alienate the person sitting in front of me. I found relief when I was on the phone with someone and didn’t have to purposely avoid a gaze.  

My Struggle With Visual Cues

The problem for me was that sometimes the person sitting in front of me was presenting themselves differently. For example, I had a very lovely lady sitting in front of me with a large diamond...

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Spiritual Protection

A Spiritual Protection Practice

If there is one practice you do daily, it is this one, spiritual protection.

The spiritual world affects us daily thus spiritual protection is important. In positive, beautiful ways and sometimes in chaotic and uncomfortable ways. This practice has proven to be priceless to those who use it. Spiritually clearing, grounding, and protecting is a statement of reclaiming your personal spiritual space and bringing you closer to your life path!

This protection practice filters out unnecessary negativity and unnecessary uncomfortable spiritual encounters. It is protective but will not isolate you or shut you down. Importantly, this process has been known to bring more positivity and amazing connections into people’s lives. It will speed your growth and ease the stress involved with personal and spiritual interaction.

This practice is a practice of intention. The combination of creating visuals in your mind and using strong intention and belief creates...

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Catching Something Out of the Corner of Your Eye

Catching Something Out of the Corner of Your Eye

It’s happened to many of us, catching something out of the corner of your eye. Something in our peripheral vision shoots by or pops in. We turn our heads to look and see nothing.

When we catch something out of the corner of our eye, we are seeing it in a defocused state. In another dimension one could say. And when we turn our heads to look, our eyes land on something solid. A door or a lamp perhaps. It is the actual focusing of the eyes on that door or lamp that keeps us in this reality.

How to See What is There

If one wants to see what is beyond this reality, they need to look beyond the solid. They need to release their focus, relax and allow. Remember Magic Eye Stereograms? Those photos that looked like a bunch of jumbled dots? If you stared long enough with a relaxed focus an image would show up. This is what I’m talking about. When we focus our site, we see the reality we have created and live in. When we defocus our...

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Sending Energy Without Permission: How to Send Love and Good Energy

Sending Energy Without Permission: How to Send Love and Good Energy

If you're listening to this series, chances are really good you're a highly compassionate individual. You love deeply and sometimes you want to be able to send good energy to somebody that you care about, someone that you love. Heck, sometimes somebody you don't even know. Today, we're going to talk about how to do that when you don't necessarily have permission. And this, like most all the other lessons, is going to be packed with information that's going to help you understand your energetic body, your energetic space, more importantly, your intuition. 

Sending Love and Good Energy without Permission

Here's the deal. I'm a mom, right out of the gate. I get this question on a deep level: How do I send love and good energy to somebody if I don't necessarily have permission? I did have someone recently ask me in the form of GCP, so I'm also going to include that now. GCP is a technique, it's a foundational...

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