Isabeau Maxwell's SAGE Method Program

The Most Comprehensive Online Intuitive Development Program Available

8,500+ Students
15+ Years of Teachings
Thousands of Lives Changed

Enroll and Strengthen Your Intuition Now! 

 ✨ Spirituality ✨ Alignment ✨ Growth ✨ Empowerment ✨

✨ I'm Ready to Enroll! ✨

 Isabeau Maxwell's 

SAGE Method Program

The Most Comprehensive Intuitive Development Program Available

Spirituality Alignment

 Growth Empowerment 

⭐️ 8,500+ Students
⭐️ 15+ Years of Teaching
⭐️ Thousands of Lives Changed

Enroll and Strengthen Your Intuition Now!
✨ I'm Ready to Enroll! ✨

Kat Rancourt

Kat Rancourt, SAGE Method Graduate

Awakened My Intuitive Abilities

“The SAGE Method resonated with me on an extremely deep level because I was allowed to move through the course at my own pace, and on my own time. I was able to listen to Beau's explanations with an open heart and mind, and the fact that it was yet another certification course did not intimidate me in the least. For that, I'd love to personally thank Beau! 
The entire process was so relaxed and welcoming. In addition, this method of becoming certified as a psychic and medium is unpretentious and so affordable. As it should be.

I felt as though Beau was talking specifically and exclusively to me during each video session. And the performance testing at the end of the course was exemplary!

How wonderful not to have the kind of pressure that some previous courses have placed on me. It was the best experience I've ever had, and my intuition and abilities were bang on during the psychic and medium testing.
 What an awesome course and a lovely way to expand and reach millions of us, who are awakening to our individual abilities."

Students of The SAGE Method Experience:

✅ The ability to access their intuition with ease for use in their personal life and growth

✅ Communication with their spirit guides and loved ones on the Otherside

✅ More control of their energetic space and empathic experiences

✅ Both psychic and mediumship connections

✅ Easier access to their innate ability to manifest what they desire in life

✅ Understanding of how their own unique intuitive channel works for them

✅ Building their intuitive toolbox and filling it with specialized tools that allow them to take ownership of their life path


This Program is For You if You:

👍 Have had intuitive experiences before and have that strong feeling that you are indeed intuitive

👍 Have tried other courses that simply fell flat and did not help you access your intuition the way you were hoping

👍 Connect with the idea of no woo woo, no guru - This is your journey, and you don’t have to look or act any specific way

👍 Want to ditch feeling reliant on others or having to hide who you are

👍 Are 100% ready to step into your bliss. You know it’s time to walk the path to empowerment 


Lorna Lee, SAGE Method Graduate

“I can’t think of anything that has opened me up spiritually more than this class has. Not only does it help me to think “outside” the box but it has also answered so many questions in regards to past and present experiences. I fully recommend this class to anyone that is even remotely curious about their own spirituality or interested in developing their own psychic abilities. Beau is a patient, challenging and thorough instructor and I feel honored to be able to share this time with her each week and learn from her own experiences.” 

Access to The Online SAGE Method Program Includes:

 ✨The SAGE Method Course

✨ 12 Specialized Courses Series

✨ The SAGE Circle Community

 🎓 Isabeau Maxwell's 

Award-Winning SAGE Method CourseAward

What to Expect in your SAGE Method Course Journey:

 7 weekly self-paced intuitive training modules accessed anywhere at any time through the SAGE Method app or online. Each module is structured to build on the previous week's work and will ultimately open up your intuition and get you using your abilities on demand! You can watch the videos and revisit lessons on your own time as needed for as long as you have access. Free downloadable worksheets for each module and it only takes about 2-3 hours of your time a week!

Session One: Reclaiming Your Focus

How are you positioned energetically and spiritually? Gain awareness of where you are now, begin to use powerful yet simple energetic tools, and step into flow. Tools include GCP™, the No Doubt Notebook, Brick Wall, and Nightly Evaluations.

Session Two: Core Vs. Culture

Build upon your foundation and peek into your daily interactions. It’s time to get curious, get aligned, and discover you. Tools include Programming Vs. My Core, Non-Cultural Moments, and the Stay Curious 5 Step Intuitive Process.

Session Three:  Observational Perspective

Our thoughts create our Universe and our Self. We’re cracking things open by digging into your spiritual mind to step into a fresh state. Tools include Rice Experiment, Shadow Alignment, the Truth Behind Negativity Processing, Positive/Negative Exercise and Environmental Triggers.

Session Four: Organization

Clutter creates obstacles and intuition is always easier to follow when there’s a straight path available. Let’s give your intuition the space it needs to flow. Tools include various decluttering exercises, Mind Mapping, Timeline Adjustments, and the Ten Intuitive Moments You’ll See Technique.

Session Five: Guides and Manifesting

You are not meant to walk this world alone. Connect to the divine and walk with your guides. Join their team and make them an active part of your growth path. Tools include Scrying, Pendulum work, Discovering Your Contract, and Spiritual Guide Identification and Communication.

Session Six: How Everything Works

Explore your new reality by deeply understanding how your intuition works through in depth teachings. Expand your knowledge, learn what is happening behind the intuitive scenes, and step into your power. Tools include Quick Kick-Start Exercises, Card Readings, Intention Speech, Five Days and Five Senses Exercise, and Observational Awareness.

Session Seven: The Experiments

Have fun! This is where it all falls into place with powerful intuitive experiments you will do to learn if you are more psychic, medium, or both. And more importantly, learn how your intuition is specifically wired for you to see what you’re truly capable of. Tools include Mediumship Experiment with feedback, Psychic Experiment with feedback, and Your Intuitive Dictionary.

📚 All 12 Courses of the Specialized Courses Series - $299 Value! 

Access to Isabeau's 12 additional bonus courses! These training courses will expand your intuitive development even further and each are about 3 hours in length.

Courses Included: Card Reading Course, Advanced Mediumship Course, The Crossing Over Course, The Manifesting "Of Course" Course, The Empathic Empowerment Course, Cracking the Money Code, Remote Viewing Course, Breaking Soul Contracts and Cutting Cords, Animal Communication, The 1111 Course, Traversing Your Past Lives, Dream Dancing Course


 💗 Access to SAGE Circle Community

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Magnify your manifesting abilities, connect with others on a similar path, get stronger access to your intuition, and experience support, love, and acceptance!

The SAGE Circle is an online global spiritual community of thousands of students celebrating your spiritual awakening and supporting you on your journey.

This is the alignment and growth you’ve been looking for to bring more bliss to your path!

✨ Attend live Beyond the Experience Courses and access past course replays exclusive to members

✨ New Moon and Full Moon Live Sacred Space Meditations with Isabeau

✨ 2 Monthly Group Card Reading Sessions and Tap-Ins for Guidance and Alignment with Isabeau

✨ Powerful Manifesting Groups and Intuition Challenges

✨ Monthly courses and special events

✨ A Huge Library of Intuitive Development Teaching Videos

✨ Online forum to connect with other students

✨ Free Access to The 21 Day Spiritual Cleanse and Discovery Meditation

Join the Global SAGE Method Community of Over 8,500 Students!

Hear what they have to say:


Destiny, SAGE Method Graduate

"You have me laughing with you! I am really enjoying the course. I am happy to say in week one you have explained everything very well! I must say I went through the first week pretty fast haha, can’t wait to unlock the second week. Thank you this course is really a joy!"

Doreen DiAntonio, SAGE Method Graduate

“I enrolled to learn about and develop my intuitive skills. Beau quickly made me feel comfortable with her gentle, calm, caring, and relaxed manner. Each week brought about a new experience and/or personal revelation. Taking Beau’s class has opened up so many possibilities for me on my spiritual journey. I am so blessed to have had Beau for a teacher.”

Ellen, SAGE Method Graduate

"I continue to be out of my mind joyful and mindful with every morsel of your class and the work. It’s shaking my world up and opening it up in wonderful ways. Thank you Beau for the gift of you. I love your humor. Your fun spirit is infectious for sure."

Barb Malm, SAGE Method Graduate

"The SAGE Method class is uniquely designed to reach all those dark inner corners of oneself and pull out all the fierce, magical power we all truly possess whether we know it or not. I thoroughly enjoyed communing with people of like mind which made me feel comfortable to hone my intuitive skills. It made me realize I'm not crazy and I'm not alone."

Terry Carretta, SAGE Method Graduate

“I found the SAGE method to be an amazing platform to discover not only my unique intuitive abilities but also a penetrating journey into my psyche. Beau’s wonderful down-to-earth teaching style brings clarity to some very esoteric topics. The online format enabled me to work at my own pace each week & listen to lessons repeatedly. This resulted in an even deeper understanding & richer experience of the material. I feel a purposeful “flow” to my life that wasn’t there before this class. The SAGE method is an empowering gift you give to yourself… just DO it!”

The SAGE Method Online Program Purchase

💰 Best Value!

$149 USD

A Bundle Savings of Over $700!


🎓 Lifetime Online Access to The
7-Week SAGE Method 
Course - $599 Value
👩🏼‍🏫  Lifetime Online Access to All 12 of the Specialized In-Depth Courses Series - $299 Value
💫 60 Days in the SAGE Circle for a Q&A forum, LIVE card readings and meditations with Beau, plus additional courses. The Circle enhances your spiritual growth through the course. 
* At the end of 60 days you will have the option to continue with the SAGE Circle if you choose.
Click Here to Purchase Now 💖

The SAGE Method Online Program Subscription

🤩 Most Popular!

$29/mo USD!

Monthly Access Subscription - Cancel at Anytime



 🎓 Access to The 7-Week SAGE Method Course - $599 Value
👩🏼‍🏫  Access to All 12 of the Specialized In-Depth Courses Series - $299 Value
💫 Access to the SAGE Circle Community Membership
 where new courses and events are added monthly - $19/mo Value
Click Here to Subscribe Now! 💖

Meet the founder, Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell

Isabeau “Beau” Maxwell is one of the leading spiritual coaches in intuitive development today. Isabeau brings deep channeled knowledge and personal understanding to the field of spirituality. She has helped people connect to their authentic, natural intuitive abilities for over 15 years.

Isabeau is the founder of the award winning intuitive development course, The SAGE Method, the author of the best-selling book Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium, and the creator of the popular online community, The SAGE Circle.

She is an internationally recognized medium, touching the lives of people across the world. Known for her compassion and accuracy, Isabeau brings peace and comfort to many through her energy work, transformative sessions and teachings.

Having earned a bachelor’s degree from Minnesota State University with a major in mathematics and a minor in chemistry, Isabeau maintains a balanced perspective between this world and the next. Down-to-earth and easy to relate to, she offers safe space for students and clients to develop their intuition on their spiritual path.

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We Welcome All 💜

The SAGE Method does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, or disability. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming community for all members, students, guests and staff.

Click Here to Enroll ❤️