Bundle Pricing Now Available

Manifest More, Remote View Easily, Ramp Up Your Card Reading Techniques and so much more!

Get instant access to one or more to our 12 most popular specialized intuitive training courses today!

Each of these 12 video courses goĀ deepĀ into specific intuitive topics to expand your intuition and assist you in receiving more detailed intuitive messages. Taught by Isabeau Maxwell, the founder of the award-winning course the SAGE Method.

Choose one course below or save money when you purchase the bundle package

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Series Course 1:Ā Enhanced Card Reading - $60

In this course, Beau will cover the 101 basics of card readings, blocks card readers donā€™t even know they have, setting up your spiritual guide connections during card readings, using the three bodies together to access messages from the cards, small shifts in your positioning that will open up more information coming through, and how to read any deck (including a standard playing deck of 52 cards).Ā 

"I loved it! I have some knowledge of card reading. I feel that with the card reading course it will make me a better reader. I love Beau's delivery of the information. She is relaxed, fun and informative. Looking forward to taking more courses with her." Terry Shpak

Purchase Enhanced Card Reading ~ $60

Series Course 2: Expanded Remote Viewing - $60

In this course Beau covers different forms of remote viewing such as long distance readings and healings, astral travel, and mapwork and location setting. You will also learn tools for remote viewing like gridwork and the agreed upon reality, creating and programming space, and Earth connections and anchors. Plus there are three remote viewing practice experiments.

"Love! Love! Love! What a great course! I learned so much! I love how it was so light and not as serious as some other courses I've taken. Beau makes everything fun, funny and light! I'm taking the card reading course next! It was great!"Ā - Paula

Purchase Expanded Remote Viewing ~ $60

Series Course 3: Empathic Empowerment - $60

Empaths come into the world with heightened senses. As a result, an empath will unwittingly take on theĀ underlyingĀ emotions of other people around them and struggle. But underneath these struggles lies one of the most powerful and beautiful abilities, empathic intuition!

Join Beau as she provides the formula and tools to fine tune your empathic energy, stop the burden of collecting emotions, and begin to use your empathic intuitive abilities to expand your own path and the spiritual path of others.

Every video in this course had ah-ha moments for me! I feel understood, validated, supported, and so much better equipped to manage my energy in any situation throughout my day. I can't believe the value I just got from this purchase!! For the cost of a cute shirt, my life has been totally upgraded. Thank you so much!! -Ā Deanne

Purchase Empathic Empowerment ~ $60

Series Course 4: Breaking Soul Contracts - $60

Are you in a relationship that is confusing yet magnetic and you wish to understand what is happening on a soul level? This course is a must!

Soul contracts are purposeful agreements made between two souls who are destined to have a relationship in this lifetime. These contractual relationships can either lift us up or be harmful and cause us to struggle. In this course, Beau will dive deep into how a soul contract is created, the spiritual connections it creates, and how to best heal it, balance it, or end it. The key to this process is gaining awareness on a spiritual and soul level in order to make the best decisions for your spiritual path and your relationships.

"An eye opener for sure. I always wondered about friends and family members who just seem to go in and out or completely disappear from your life. Looking back now I see what a great part, or not in some cases, each played in my life and that it's ok. It is all ok! Now the ex-husband thing for sure makes a lot of sense and that one is definitely an awesome cord cut! Thank you!" -Myrna

Purchase Breaking Soul Contracts ~ $60

Series Course 5: Traversing Your Past Lives - $60

Join Beau as she explains the non-linear and fluid existence of past lives, giving you the knowledge you need to traverse your own past lives and gain a better understanding of your higher self. During this course you will learn how past lives are connected to each other, why past lives are not linear, how to access your other lives through your personal portal, and what you can do to improve this lifetime and other lifetimes as well.

"I loved this course. I didn't know if anything would show up for me, since lately I have been feeling rather blocked and vague intuitively. But it happened and it was so meaningful. The messages I received and the other parts of my higher self I met were so helpful. The whole concept is mind blowing and at the same time feels perfectly right. Thank you, Beau, it was lovely."Ā - Terry

Purchase Traversing Your Past Lives ~ $60

Series Course 6: Crossing Over - $60

In this course Beau explains the structure of the inbetween, the Three Bodies and the Review Process. She also addresses how one can navigate the levels of the inbetween, reasons why people get stuck in transition, getting spiritual assistance, and how to help spirits cross over and return home.

"I keep being blown away by how everything you teach and share is something that Iā€™ve been needing to know and hear, and be confirmed for such a long time now! And how amazingly easy it is to learn from you! Your beautiful down to earth and straight forward way of being (so refreshing!) šŸ˜Š and the incredible ability to break things down into digestible pieces make you an incredible teacher! Not everyone is born to teach, and you most certainly are! Thank you for you and your work!"Ā - Victoria

Purchase Crossing Over ~ $60

Series Course 7: Advanced Mediumship - $60

Mediumship is not reserved for the special few. It is a very, very natural connection that each and every one of us has. It is current, limiting cultural beliefs that invite us to think we are not capable of communicating with our loved ones on the otherside or our guides.

In this course we will step out of those limiting beliefs, regain access to your amazing mediumship channel, and bring to the surface your natural ability to be connected to all.

Ā "After last night's class I am so much clearer on things that have been going on in my life the things that I was picking up. For the longest time I didn't think that I had any medium abilities and all along I had crazy and after last night's meditation. It seems like I am so intuned and open it's amazing.... amazing class Beau thank you thank you!" Ronda

Purchase Advanced Mediumship ~ $60

Series Course 8: TheĀ 1111 Course - $60

When we see repeating numbers it is a special moment, a moment of witnessing movement in the "Code". LearnĀ what the Code is, how to access it, and how to work with it to enhance your abundance and connection. Bliss, laughter, surprise, growth, empowerment, and making a difference in this world are all not only possible but are easy and enhanced through the Code.

Join Beau as she shows you step-by-step how toĀ understand, access, and work with the magical structure of this reality called the Code.

"When I saw the title for this course I laughed out loud. I have been seeing repeating numbers for several years now with 1111 being the most common. The timing was perfect and I learned so much that will assist me in my journey. Thanks, Beau! No one does it like you!" - Michele Straughan

Purchase The 1111 Course ~ $60

Series Course 9: Cracking the Money Code - $60

Manifesting money can be difficult when it comes to creating abundance. This is because there are multiple layers at play, some of which are hidden. When you dissect and understand these layers, and then align them for yourself, you crack the money code and bring financial abundance into your life. Join Beau as she shows you step-by-step how to identify, align and balance these layers to increase your wealth energetically.Ā 

"I participated in the live course and just completed it again as I like to listen and learn while doing my morning walks. More money than usual has been trickling in since this all started - a raise, higher sales numbers which equals more commission, a very large order from a client of my side business. šŸ˜Š"Ā - Diann

Purchase Cracking the Money Code ~ $60

Series Course 10: Animal Communication with Doreen DiAntonio andĀ Isabeau Maxwell - $60

Our lives are deeply impacted when we share it with our animal companions.Ā  They bring us tremendous joy and love us unconditionally.Ā  Connecting with our pets can help bring about a better understanding of each other.Ā  If you are curious about animal communication, have an interest in becoming an animal communicator, and are curious what pets have to say, this course may give you the answers to your questions.

"I loved Doreen and some of my pets popped up on the couch to watch her on my laptop too.Ā  As a vet nurse for 30 years, animals have been a major role in my life. I look forward to 'listening' to the patients in clinic closer now.Ā  I use GCP on some patients that are anxious and have had great results. Thank you for sharing some of your experiences and techniques.Ā -Ā Rose Boyce

Purchase Animal Communication ~ $60

Series Course 11: Dream Dancing - $60

This course will take you beyond dream interpretation and into dream participation. Join Beau for this three hour course where she will show you how to bring form and flow back into remembering your dreams, how to use dreams as a tool on your spiritual path, and how to create your own, personal dream dictionary.

"The information Beau provided in the Dream class was illuminating. I have already experienced some success in my dream work. The first night I used techniques we learned in class I was able to remember my dream with a lot of detail. I hope to continue this work with a journal and get more clarity with the things that feel heavy in my life. The class also confirmed some dream experiences I had years ago with a loved one who passed which was very comforting. Thanks Beau for making your presentation fun and encouraging."Ā - Lucinda

Purchase Dream Dancing ~ $60

Series Course 12: The "Of Course!" Course - $60

ā€œOf course that magical thing just happened for me. Iā€™m a Conscious Creator!ā€ This is the statement youā€™ll be using by the end of this intense manifesting course.

This ā€œOf Course!ā€ Course is designed to facilitate the awakening of your own Conscious Creator Energy. It is a magical connection between you and the Universe.

Join Beau as she explains, in detail, what Conscious Creator Energy is, how easy it is to access right now, and how to integrate it into your daily life so it becomes automatic.

"I absolutely loved/am loving this course. The course itself was filled with so much knowing, understanding and energy that only Beau delivers in just the right way. But something about this course just feels right.Ā  Like, ah ha, I get it. After listening to the course a second time, I realized I missed some nuances. I canā€™t wait for my first small group gathering tonight in 20 minutes!Ā  WHOOOHOOOO. I am a conscious creatorā€¦..of course." - Cheryl Littleton

Purchase the "Of Course" Course! ~ $60

Choose an Enrollment Option Below:

The SAGE Method Online Program

$149 USD

A Bundle Savings of Over $700!


šŸŽ“Ā Lifetime Online Access toĀ The
7-Week SAGE MethodĀ 
Course -Ā $599 Value
šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ«Ā Ā Lifetime Online Access toĀ AllĀ 12 of theĀ Specialized In-Depth Courses SeriesĀ -Ā $299 Value
šŸ’«Ā 60 Days in theĀ SAGE CircleĀ for a Q&A forum, LIVE card readings and meditations with Beau, plus additional courses. The Circle enhances your spiritual growth through the course.Ā 
* At the end of 60 days you will have the option to continue with the SAGE Circle if you choose.
Click Here to Purchase the SAGE Method Bundle

Meet Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell

Isabeau ā€œBeauā€ Maxwell is one of the leading spiritual coaches in intuitive development today. Isabeau brings deep channeled knowledge and personal understanding to the field of spirituality. She has helped people connect to their authentic, natural intuitive abilities for over 15 years.

Isabeau is the founder of the award winning intuitive development course, The SAGE Method, the author of the best-selling bookĀ Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium,Ā and the creator of the popular online community, The SAGE Circle.

She is an internationally recognized medium, touching the lives of people across the world. Known for her compassion and accuracy, Isabeau brings peace and comfort to many through her energy work, transformative sessions and teachings.

Having earned a bachelorā€™s degree from Minnesota State University with a major in mathematics and a minor in chemistry, Isabeau maintains a balanced perspective between this world and the next. Down-to-earth and easy to relate to, she offers safe space for students and clients to develop their intuition on their spiritual path.