21 Day Spiritual Cleanse

$21.00 USD

*Note: If you are a SAGE Circle member you get this course free. Please log into your member dashboard to find the special members only link.

  • Reconnect to your intuitive spiritual side

  • Become a manifesting machine

  • Be the driver of your experience

Realign in less than 5 minutes per day!

What People Are Saying:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This 21 Day Cleanse was just amazing!!! I feel like it really helped me feel really good about myself and I have Beau to thank!!!

Lisette Lopez

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thank you Beau! This commitment has you slowing down daily and taking time to say affirmations and to really focus on taking care of yourself. We are so busy and I am guilty of being distracted and forgetting to take that time This commitment to myself helped me focus. I appreciate that. All parts are important and need to be honored, Thanks again!

Elizabeth Baxter

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The 21 day cleanse is the second best thing I’ve done for myself this year (the first was joining The Sage Method!). I have just felt happier and lighter. I’ve been telling everyone about it like I want them all to jump on board so they can feel as good as I do! Thank you so much Beau, much gratitude to you for everything you do for everyone, here on earth and on the other side. You’re truly amazing.

Julie Monk

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